Coca Cola Scholarship Program 2023-2024

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship is a great financial bonus for students. The scholarship has helped many students and has brought extraordinary scholars who are having positive impact in the society. The students who are in their final year of high school can get the Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship, if they perform exemplary.

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship is generally for U.S. citizens and the ones who are studying DoD schools. Scholarship coverage is almost full. More than $78 million support has been given over more than six thousand Scholars. Every year 150 students are selected per year to get the scholarship of $20,000.

The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation works for the benefits of others and it works on the behalf of Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship is a great financial bonus for students. The Coca-Cola Scholars Program was made in 1986.


Country United States America
Organization Coca Cola
Available Program Graduating High School
Financial Coverage Fully Funded
Coca Cola Scholars Program
  • Students will be acknowledged for their leadership qualities and their ability to serve others.
  • The commitment or devotion of students to make a good impact in their schools or regions will be recognized for this scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • A student who is currently attending a high school or home schooled in the U.S. or select DoD schools, the students that will be graduating during 2022-2023 year.
  • U.S. Permanent Residents, U.S. Nationals, U.S. Citizens, Refugees, Cuban- Haitian Entrants, Asylees, Humanitarian Paroleees- that is based solely on the guidelines followed by U.S. Department of Education for Federal Financial Aid eligibility.
  • A student who is expected to get his high school diploma during 2022-2023 academic year.
  • Student who will pursue his degree at an authorized U.S. post-secondary institution.
  • Minimum GPA should be 3.0 or grade B in the high school academic result.
  • If you’re a children or grandchildren of any employee, officer or owner of the Coca-Cola Company, Coca-Cola bottling companies, Company divisions or any subsidiaries then you’re not eligible even if they retired and getting benefits because of their service.
  • Temporary residents, international students other than the ones in DoD schools and high school graduates are ineligible

Scholarship Benefits:

  • Student can get scholarship of $20,000 that is an enough amount to fund your studies and other activities.
  • Students who get the scholarship are highly honored and are invited by Coca-Cola Company.


The last date to apply is October31.

Required documents:

There is no necessary document required still you must have these things before filling out the form:

  • A copy of your transcripts
  • Income of your parents before taxes applied
  • Your grades
  • Certificates you got throughout your high school
  • Details about your extracurricular activities
  • Details about any service you provided in your school or region.

How to apply:

You need to apply online on the official website.

Apply Link

Official Link

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